Hong Kong: www.gwulo.com
China/Burma/India/World War II history: www.cbi-history.com
Flying Tigers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Tigers
China National Airways Corporation: www.cnac.org
Captain Hal Sweet: www.cnac.org/sweet01.htm
Burma Road: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Road
MS Gripsholm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_Gripsholm_(1924)
Shanghai: www.historic-shanghai.com
Shanghai Art Deco: www.shanghaiartdeco.net
POW camps in China: www.captives-of-empire.com
World War II aircraft: www.wingsremembered.com
World War II Army ferry routes: https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/South_Pacific_air_ferry_route_in_World_War_II
Childhood grief: www.aacap.org
A source for books about China: https://earnshawbooks.com
Pet rescue: www.petmatchmakerrescue.com
The Loss That is Forever by Maxine Harris, PhD
Father Loss by Elyce Wakerman
Empire of the Sun by J. G. Ballard
Not the Slightest Chance and We Shall Suffer There by Tony Banham
Captives of Empire by Greg Leck
Remembering Shanghai by Isabel Sun Chao and Claire Chao
Stranger in My Heart by Mary Monro
The Lion and the Dragon by Christopher Cook
Remembered Childhoods by Jeffrey Long
Flying the Hump by Otha C. Spencer
Handbook of World War II by Karen Farrington
Tea on the Great Wall by Patricia Luce Chapman
Crows are Black Everywhere by Herbert Osborn Yardley and Carl Henry Grabo
Prisoner of the Japs by Gwen Dew
Things That Must Not Be Forgotten by Michael David Kwan
Empire Made Me, Out of China, and The Scramble for China by Robert Bickers